Wednesday, May 23, 2012

234/5 Armored Car Puma II?

I used the lower half of the Roco 20mm gun turret for the Luchs turret.  It fit almost perfectly.  It was a junk turret that was damaged by the previous owner to applied way too much glue.  I used a tiny amount of Goo rubber glue to hold the resin turret to the styrene plastic lower hull bit.

Then I stuck the lower turret on the 234/1 hull and perfect fit.

I only know of one photo of this vehicle and can't find any indication that it actually turned but I figure it probably did.  The real Luchs turret was small and probably fit in the hole for the original turret.

I have added a scratch built hatch too.  Also a storage box on the fender, gas can on the back, and spare tire too.

I have no evidence for this vehicle, I just made it up.  Since I have a zillon of these things, okay 84 SdKfz 234/1 and /3 and there are only 25 in a division, I figure I have a few extras.  Some are in terrible shape.  This one became the ARV version.  It certainly does not seem unreasonable that a recon company may have converted one of their armored cars into a recon version if the turret were destroyed.  It keeps the vehicle in service providing a valuable service.  I added a winch, and crane, jack and spare tools and spare tire.  I am only building one.


  1. it's a one off and from Panzerwrecks and the "film" ex YTu and assume to be a factory (Field Shop)


    might open a can of worms But!!!
