Monday, August 8, 2011

Wargame at Kit Show

There was a nice young man at the Kit Show demonstrating his new wargame system for the ACW.

He said it was designed for 15mm scale figures.

The game was played on painted foam core boards.

Small streams, roads, hills, thick and thin forest were all represented on the table.

Combat Command is the name of the rules.


  1. it bad that I can name both of those generals in the rulebook cover, from memory? "You know you're a history buff when...."

    Sounds like fun, I've always wanted to try wargaming!

  2. No, it just makes you another nerd. Like the rest of us.

  3. Nerd is fine. Smart, law abiding people who take care of themselves and are generally harmless when left alone. Nerds pretty good really.

  4. Hahaha, well put! I think I'll start using that....

  5. I like to feel both ways. :-)
