Monday, August 22, 2011

Little Marx

Marx made some of the same items they did in 54mm in about 30mm. These are some of their rafts I got off eBay recently.

The classic Marx destroyed house.

The bunker. Look at the lower front, it even has the Marx logo on it.

Marx bunker from the back. Not bad for a model that's probaby 40 years old or more.

Building from the rear. These were great bits of scenery.


  1. Bunkermeister:
    A LONG time ago, I got some of those as well...
    Have the halftrack, jeep, landing craft, rafts and even some barbed wire...all EXACT (smaller) replicas of the original 54mm MARX items.

    Abd THOSE...I still have (thankfully).

    Didn't know they made building and the pillbox as well..
    Good find.

    Carry on.

  2. I have seen the halftrack, but don't own one. I understand they did a little version of their tank too. Don't have one of them either.

  3. Din't know Marx did the same models in 30mm too, very interesting.

  4. I had the small rafts I got at a hobby show decades ago, and I have seen the little halftracks, but did not know they made these until one of my friends forwarded me an eBay auction and I won them.
