Friday, July 22, 2011

This Bites!

Safari Ltd makes a set of Prehistoric Crocodiles and many of them in the set are close to 1/72nd scale. This Sarchosuchus is really a baby because in real life they could be twice this size!

This is a Rutiodon Validus and it looks much like a modern crocodile to me.

A few soldiers in shallow water with a few uninvited guests to the pool party.

A couple trees, a prehistoric corcodile and a pet shop cave and suddenly you are 50 million years ago!


  1. I love seeing these up-close! Thanks for the pics, I'll have to pick these up.

  2. Order them direct from Safari, Ltd, or print the 40% off coupon and get them at Michaels here in the USA; that's what I do.

  3. Haha, same myself! I go to Michael's, but have considered going direct when I have more money. It's those darn bills as well as my propensity to buy books....

  4. Books, DVD's, and Army Men. Too bad that whole morgage, credit card and bills stuff creates a problem.

  5. Haha, well I admit, I like my DVDs (or now BluRays) too...just not as much as my 1000-volume library....

  6. Books and DVDs are all part of the hobby. One of my bedrooms is the library with a large number of books on the shelves.
