Sunday, March 27, 2011

Caesar Knights

Caesar Miniatures Knights in full plate armor in 1/72nd scale plastic. They have a variety of weapons from simple spear to some pretty big swords.

This very cool figure does not even require a base to stand up. Not bad for a 1/7nd scale plastic figure!

The full line up from the rear. Only 30 figures in the box, but every one a gem.

A nice size comparison with a Revell figure and a PAeL Automation.

These guys make up some nice little vignettes when placed together.


  1. Great blog BUNKERMEISTER !! Compliment

    Best regards Carlo Antonio

  2. When I saw pictures of these figures the first time I wasn't wild about them, but now....
    Maybe I give them a try ;-)
    Great blog indeed :-D

  3. Welcome Carlo, see you on the HaT Forum! Tell all your friends!

  4. Peter, glad you like the pics, I like these figures a lot.
