Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Tank Crews

Why does this tank commander look so much like the guy sitting on the top of the tank?
Because he is the guy sitting on the top of the tank! The typical tank commander figure is a half figure that is usesless if you want to have him doing something other than being in the tank hatch. Caesar continues their innovation by having this as a two part figure. The lower half of the figure can be combined with the upper to make a seated figure. There is no glue needed and the join is very firm. A great idea, and well executed.

The man seated on the edge of the top of the assault gun has a radio headset on his head and over his ears. Caesar Miniatures 1/72nd scale soft plastic tank troops for WWII Germany, very useful.

A man standing on the edge of the munitions carrier.

These two look right at home in this vehicle but would look equally good in a Hummel or other SPG. A good set from Caesar Miniatures. I hope for more WWII German Tank figures and perhaps some Americans and Soviets too!


  1. Only 20 a box...?.. That´s not many..but it might have an advantage..not too many to be used in a lax way but thought will have to be given before they are used.
    Thanks for the review.

  2. Won't stop us buying two boxes (err)
    and again with the Hat tank riders

    cheers Karcuss
