Sunday, January 23, 2011

Painting Jars

The Martains do everything in threes. So I need to get two more UTZ pretzel jars to make into Martian cylinders. These jars have been prepared for painting. The labels have been removed. Spray them with WD-40 and let them sit for a few hours. It then loosens the glue and the label is easy to peel off. I put them inside a plastic bag to hold in the vapors.

The lids have had the UTZ molded on markings buffed off with the wire brush and Dremel tool. The on the right has been primer painted on the inside already. It looks like a really glossy paint job when you paint a clear plastic bottle with primer from the inside.

Both lids have been painted in the inside.

All four parts have been painted on the inside waiting to dry.

Painting the inside of a big jar is a very time consuming task. The paint and air flow inside and the air wants to come back out, creating a very confused mix of air flow. Now to do the outside of the jars and lids with primer paint.


  1. I reckon you have the most fun of a hell of a lot of us with your figures. I have followed your Blog for..?...2-3 years now, everytime I visited PSR, and there´s always something going on. Great :-D

  2. Thanks for reading. PSR is wonderful. Tell all your friends.
