Saturday, October 16, 2010

War Machine Primer

Happy Meal Mantis is being used as a Martian walker war machine. They need to be repainted to be used in a Mars attack.

I have removed the saucer section and I am primer painting them. My general plan is to keep the legs black.

The paint I am using is Model Master gray primer.

The big challenges were trying to paint the edge, it is very thin and the saucers don't always sit up to allow easy painting. The front edge has a pair of yellow "eyes." They needed a little thicker coverage to completely cover the yellow.

I removed the torpedo from the launcher bit on top of the saucer. The spring inside was hard to remove but a good hard yank on it with a pair of needle nose plies got it out.


  1. Those look sooooo much like the Memphis Police Cars with the big laser cannons (home made ALPRs) on top. :)

  2. Martians / Memphis.

    Pretty similar.

