Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More Sub Interior

More construction on the submarine model. The plastic strips are being used to hold the bunk beds in place while the glue dries.

The bunk beds are ready for sleeping in now.

Supply storage and the captains safe.

Crew members in the torpedo room.

Crew men in the bunks.

Control room and galley at the bottom.


  1. This is brilliant, I love it ! I haven't actually seen the "innards" so to speak of a submarine model. The closest I have got is "Das Boot" which (although I suspect you have already seen it) could offer some great inspiration for you.

    Keep up the modelling.

    Thanks for sharing,

    my WFB Gallery
    my WFB blog

  2. BUnkermesiter:
    I haven't seen this level of detail since that old U.S.S. George Washington Nuclear sub model (SSN 598) with the breakway interior...lotsa small parts on that bugger.
    Good to see something you don't need a microscope and tweezers to assemble.
    Nicely done.

    (FYI - I still have my Dad's hardcover copy of Das Boot - great book AND movie, and inside the front & back covers is a cutaway drawing OF the Type VII-C sub in the novel...excellent)

    Carry on.

  3. nice work
    But they all look a bit to Happy
    maybe a Salt Water wash, some battery acid, and smear some tuna and Banana's on the decking.

    and tell the Flak crew man to lie down he is still at Battle Stations

    cheers Karcuss

  4. Awesome and outstanding work! Sir, you are to be commended for your painstaking attention to detail and scale of this grand model. Keep up the good work!

  5. Life on those German subs was filled with tension and was highly stressful. Add to that the tight quarters, diesel and machine oil smells and the electrical component with absolutely no privacy and risk from the threat from destroyer escorts and anti sub aircraft, it was stressful at best, indeed!

    With the exception of the smells you have captured the essence of the physical appearance of the interior. Excellent attention to detail. Keep up the great work!

  6. Thank you all for your comments. Das Boot is a great movie. I tried acheive a balance between accuracy, expense and playability.

  7. Did you finish the painting BM ? Any pics to share ?

  8. Not as yet, but new pics every day of some project!
