Saturday, April 17, 2010

Yard Work

Meanwhile, back at the ship yards. Crews are working overtime trying to get the new S-boat ready. The bottom of the hull has to be cut off to make a waterline kit. I hate doing that, it is so hard to get it all straight, and level.

I glue Evergreen Plastics sheet styrene on the bottom of the hull so the model is not open at the bottom. It makes it much stronger to have the bottom and it is easier to push around the wargame table.

I trace the hull with a black marker and then cut out the plastic with a craft knife. The plastic then is glued with Model Master styrene cement. After it dries for a long time, a couple hours, I run a second bead of glue on the inside edge of the hull / base for extra strength.

I also glue small bits of styrene to various parts of the hull where it joins or when it meets the hull for greater strength. Never underestimate the ham handedness of wargamers.

Here you can see another strengthening bit in the bow. This is a good model kit, but I wish Revell would do what Airfix did a few times and make the kits with a four part hull so you can build either full hull or waterline hull.


  1. I'm currently building the Zvezda Hanseatic Cog and that has a option for waterline or full hull. Very handy.

  2. even the 1/35 newbie is still full hull. Will wait till i get my hands on one, But that will be a decision on display (so full hull),

    or it will be diaroma with quite a few more sailors etc but more like the evacuation of Crimea or the 1945
    Baltic with wounded soldiers being carted to safety.

    Can you do some Airfix shots, because that will be a swap meet or lucky find for me.


  3. And all that glue down the central joint and double up, Will make it watertight.

    so that at bath time.....

    Ha Ha

    well you won't be telling us if you do anyhow!!!


  4. IM, that is a nice option.

    Karcuss, I will see if I can find them, I have been sorting and storing things and I am note sure where they are.
