Friday, March 12, 2010

Do The Loco Motion With Me In HO Scale

My collection would not be complete without a railroad. Railroads are essential to support modern military operations.

As part of my logistical support, I collect trains from the Southern Pacific railroad. They are found all over the South West United States. The company has been around for about 150 years.

These are most of my diesel locomotives. I go to train shows and buy used locomotives. I don't care if they work or not, just as long as they look good and are cheap. If they are missing a few bits, usually I can pick them up at my local model RR shop. If something is a bit broken, I just put it down to regular wear and tear. I try and buy rolling stock to match the same line as the locomotives. SP is very popular in California as most people like to buy local trains.


  1. I got some ATHERN CHessie system GP40s a long time the detail, but the handrails were an RPIA to get right!
    ALso have a MODEL POWER shark-nose diesel (was going to repaint it in the old "cigarband NY Central colors).
    And of course, I have my AHM PRR (green) GG-1 electric engine.

    Don't make 'em like THAT any more...and especially for UNDER $40!

  2. Good stuff Bob G. Many of mine are from train shows, but sometimes I buy a new one.
