Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Highlander Photos

A few more photos of the HaT Colonial Highlanders. Very nice figures, totally flash free. This is three quarters of the set. These are 1/72nd scale plastic figures and brand new.

HaT Colonial Highlanders on Bresica Miniatures terrain. They look very nice with this terrain.

A ground view of the Highlanders. Nice firing poses. I got a few toy palm trees too.

Men peeking through the firing slots. These troops are just made for this terrain.

The pipers in the background keep up the moral while the other troops shoot.

Pipers and the poor bloody infantry. The pipers with a head swap would work for many Commonwealth and US Armies. Another great set from HaT.


  1. I want to see the yellow stripe in the Government tartan to mark them as the 92nd Highland Regiment of Foot, the Gordons.

  2. That will be in about 2057 when I get around to painting them.

  3. Having re-cked the box art, I stand corrected. The tartan appears to be Cameron of Erracht, which would make the soldier from the 79th Highland Regiment of Foot--The Queen's own Cameron Highlanders.

  4. Well, thank God, I had not gotten around to painting them!
