Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Atomic Hole

As the power of America's Nuclear Arsenal becomes more important to national strategy the Atomic Testing Base increases in importance. The base has received another new influx of soldiers and technicians. Vice-President Nixon address the troops and expresses his concern that the Reds are catching up with the USA in atomic weapons.

The Vice-President with his Secret Service men close at hand, exhorts the men to greater efforts to prevent a possible missile gap between the Free World and those nations that desire Communist domination of the world.

As the Vice-President extols the virtues of hard work, a small group of men continue the grim task of cleaning up the crime scene. The medics had erected small tents to allow the men to take a short break in the shade from the searing desert heat. The photo appears out of focus but it is actually the heat rising from the desert.

The FBI Agent inspects the site the soldiers were guarding. A large concrete emplacement with a large hole in the center. The men could not tell him what the site was supposed to be, but they were told it was important and that no one should be allowed nearby to photograph or measure it.

The hole it quite deep apparently, perhaps as much as sixty to one hundred feet. The men tell the agent they don't know what it was used for but that it was a recent construction on the base.

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