Monday, January 19, 2009

Marx Recasts

One of the fun things about 60mm figures is the accessories. I like the extra weapons, gear and equipment that we can get in this scale. Here is a large bazooka I got in the mail today. It is a re-cast of the old Marx set.

This Tim Mee officer figure is with a .30 caliber machine gun.

A nice recoilless rifle, these small arms are really good weapons, they turn on the tripod.

.30 caliber water cooled machine gun. These M1917A1 guns were in service for probably 50 years with the US Army. Marx made loads of different accessories for many periods. I have been buying both originals and recasts recently. I will have more photos of them soon.


  1. Very unique blog.
    Great pictures. Cool...

    Please visit:

    Keep blogging.
    Good day.

  2. Thank you, glad you liked it. Bali seems a beautiful place.

  3. Er, that first MG looks more lake a .50 Ma Deuce to me, and the water cooled dude is the M1917A1.......

  4. Glad you like my blog, please come back again. Updates are posted every day.

  5. Yes, the water cooled .30 is the M1917A1, thanks for catching that.

  6. I'm with S on MG #1 being a M2 .50 cal, the barrel support and carrier are unmistakable.

  7. The MG is rather small for a M2 but it does look like one.
