Monday, November 10, 2008

More Soviet Photos

Pegasus Models have really been working on the Russian front. They are doing several Russian models per year and that is in addition to their German and American vehicles. A really nice KV and they will have a KVII soon.

All these vehicles are 1/72nd scale quick build kits.

JSII is one of my favorite Soviet tanks, they saw extensive combat near the end of WWII. Many were used in the Battle of Berlin.

Soviet assault guns were, like the German counterparts, used to provide larger guns on the same chassis. They were cheaper and easier to build than tanks. These Pegasus models will go well with there new Soviet Infantry and Heavy Weapons sets, four sets of Soviet troops for WWII, fully compatible with the Italeri infantry and AT guns.


  1. good post.waiting for the next..

  2. Thanks. I have some more new Pegasus information very soon.

  3. I sometimes use the Ixo/Altaya/Planeta de Agostini models to replace kits difficult to find. They sell models already build for 10 euros and are easy to improve, if required. I have pitures or the Tiger II in my blog and expecto to upload photos from a fe more models. Do you have them in the USA?

  4. Great looking Tiger IIs, I never heard of that company. Dragon and some other companies import 1/72nd scale prepainted prebuilt models, they may be related.

  5. I don't know if Ixo and Dragon are related because the models and the price range are differents. Here, the Ixo sold in newspapers stands cost 10 euros and include a base, a tranparent display box and a 16 pages leaflet, while a kit cost between 6 and 8 and requires paint and glue. For those who want to build an army, this may be an option.

  6. Dragon includes a clear plastic box and sometimes a display base too, don't know about a leaflet, I don't actually own them I have only seen them in the shops.
