Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mexican War Flag Bearer

As regular readers of this blog will know, I don't like the dead. These figures from the Imex Mexican American War are the wounded flag bearer on the left and the dead infantryman. The guy in the middle is an unmodified soldier and the flag bearer on the right is my conversion.

I converted the swordsman into this flag bearer by cutting the flag and arm off of the wounded flag bearer and cutting off the sword arm from the swordsman.

Using regular model glue, I glued the new arm in place. Since the swordsman had his sword drawn, there was no sword in his scabbard. I cut the hilt off of the sword from the dead infantryman and glued it onto the top of the empty scabbard. This gives me an advancing flag bearer for the Mexican War.


  1. I like the stuff you do. I most like the fact that you are obviously passionate. I'm trying to buy a really good macro camera to show off my conversions.I did a Zouave recently from a BMC figue.I totally cut everything away then reclothed in PATTEX car putty. I also put on a metal bayonet.Do you think I would be breaking copyright if I produced these in metal.Anyway great blog
    If you are interested I have Mexican War figurs from a discontinuede production. By the way I'm a bit provocative sometimes but I mean well. Cool O.K?

  2. Provotive is fine. As long as people are not personally insulting about me or others then I am okay with comments.

    Everyone you ask will give you a different view about what is legal to reproduce after you converted it. I don't really know. Making items for you own use should not be a problem, it is when you sell them it becomes a real problem.
