Friday, September 19, 2008

More Ruin Uses

Matchbox, the folks that make the little metal and plastic cars, have also made some sets that have figures, plants, and animals. This set is the cowboy set, it has a big horse, a man on foot with a six shooter, two cacti and a wolf or big dog. The set originally came with a couple vehicles. These sets are pretty good as 1/72nd scale figures but the vehicles are way too large. Matchbox has made many of these sets; military, civilian, cowboys, even space aliens.

I posed these figures with some of the previous 15mm JR Miniatures Stalingrad ruins. Buildings for Stalingrad work well for many eras and regions of the world. The American West saw many towns build up and fall down in very short periods of time. The mine runs out, the railroad stops at the next town but not this one, any number of things could kill a town. Sometimes major fires would sweep through towns and there would be little left over. So ruins were not uncommon in the Wild West.

Ruins can be used in many areas of the world and in many eras in wargames. I like ruins because they can be used in so many places. The ACW saw a lot of civilian buildings destroyed, as did the First World War and World War Two. They can also be used for construction sites where the ruins represent buildings being torn down. Ruins can provide troops cover, can block attacking forces and provide some interesting things to look at on the table.

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