Sunday, September 14, 2008

Command Car

The Germans in World War II used just about anything with wheels and that included luxury automobiles.

This Mercedes 170V is made in HO 1/87 scale by Busch. It is new and there are several others from them.

High ranking officers rated a nice car but as Allied air superiority got more and more dominant, they were in greater and greater peril from American and British aircraft. This car has been given a nice camouflage coating but if you look close you can still see all the tactical markings on the fenders. An excellent little addition to your staff, right out of the box.


  1. The Mercedes 170V was the standard taxi in Portugal before the release of the model 190.

    The 170V was made before and after the war because most tooling survived and become popular in the 50s because was good value for money.

    At that time, these cars only have individual places as option and any luxe was charged over the list price :(

  2. That's pretty cool Nuno. Imagine driving around in your own command car as a taxi!

  3. A few years ago, before I could afford one or have a driving license, these are being sold really cheap, but I remember my brother seeing one three-four years ago being sold for near $6.000. I didn't remember that was identical to the wartime model until now :(

    Maybe you like to see the pictures I post here:


  4. Nuno, what a great blog! Wonderful photos of HaT AT Guns.
