Friday, July 25, 2008

Tenting Tonight

One of my many projects has been to construct interiors for all my tentage. Take a bit of sheet styrene and cut it to the same size as the tent interior. I like to use sheet styrene with a pattern of boards so that it looks like planking.

On the planking floor, glue chairs, tables, supplies, benches, radios, and other military items. This shows a quick table I made out of a couple bits of plastic from the spares box. I also like to glue a vertical panel to the floor and paste a map onto it. This makes a good command tent or artillery fire direction center tent.

This tent had a radio, so I drilled a hole in the roof and added an antenna and put a flag on the antenna. The base fits inside the tent so that when the tent is on the table the planking is not visible. I have also made medical operating rooms, and various headquarters tents. These make good targets in a wargame, the owner of the tentage is penalized by having to take a moral check or by not being able to shoot artillery for a turn or two while the FDC gets back in operation.


  1. The flag over the tent... is the " SS free indians" flag?

  2. Yes, it is the Free India Legion. They were the troops that were composed of Indians living in Exile in Germany and Indians captured in North Africa and Italy. I have a whole unit of them.
