Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More Victory Column

This is an unusual close up of my Victory Column. This is a monument built in Berlin over 100 years ago. I made one using mostly cheap and simple to find materials. The key to making such models is to break down the shapes and look for things that have a similar shape in a smaller size. The main column is made by Ian Weekly models and is expanded foam. It was a great time saver. The center lower part is a Diet Coke can. I printed out a black and white photocopy of an American Civil War battle. I then used a green and yellow highlighter pen to make the photocopy appear like a mosaic. The paper was then wrapped around the can and glued with rubber cement.

The Germans used captured cannon barrels to decorate the column. I took barrels from the Eagle Games cannon and glued them to the central column. They were painted bronze.

The central column is hollow and is accessed by a circular staircase. There is a small observation area at the base of the Victory statue. I used a bit of fencing that I got at a model railroad shop to make the guardrail. Having been to the top, it is quite a view and a very small landing.

Originally, I made a pretty good Victory model for the top of the column, but when I visited the monument, I was able to get a really nice one at the gift shop and I used it to top the model. Odemars German Commanders 1/72nd scale enjoy the view from the lookout.


  1. Thank you, it did turn out better than I expected. I went there after I was mostly done and I was pleased that my research was so good, but going there to visit was very helpful.
