Friday, May 31, 2019


Matchbox van.

I like this vehicle design.

I may end up stripping off the paint.

And perhaps remarking it as NASA or maybe all black for NSA.

Matchbox SWAT team.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

NASA Truck

Matchbox NASA van.

I like having NASA vehicles because they can be used for so many things.

It's great for response to alien sightings.

Sometimes they have more conventional aliens.

Sometimes they have to response with police or soldiers.

NASA police to round up aliens.

Aliens not subject to capture by the Border Patrol!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


New Batmobile.

There seem to be a never ending array of them.

Little bat ears on the back.

Looks a bit like KITT from the front.

Chrome bat on the back.

Nice car, I may put a Batmobile decal on the door.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Air Defense

 During the Interwar period many nations developed massive listening machines to detect aircraft acoustically.

 I took some toy musical instruments from the dollar store to use as the horns.

The base is probably at least 50 years old, it's a base from a Tootsietoy searchlight.

Shown here with a few 1/72nd scale troops for size.

After painting it looks a lot less goofy.

For a junk toy coupled with a few dollar store bits, I think it turned out okay.

It will work as an air defense for my 1938 US Army.

The finished device with painted wheels.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Tank Infantry Cooperation

The E-100 moves cautiously to the corner of the building.

The partner tank stays back a bit to cover the other tank.

The tall buildings are occupied by German troops so the tanks can get close without danger of attack from above.

The infantry acts at the eyes of the tanks.

Even heavy tanks need to be careful, there is always something bigger.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

E-100 in the Defense

 The E-100 has the same turret and gun as the Maus.

It's slow but when on the defensive there is no need to go fast.

Using the building as partial cover, the E-100 peaks around the corner.

Two of them can hold back a large number of Soviet tanks when they have an open space.

This will be a good battle.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Germany 1946

Troops occupy a damaged tall building.

They use it to watch for Soviet attack.

Fuel shortages mean bicycles.

Infantry move up.

The E-100 have a very long range gun.  Maybe they can disrupt the attack.

The infantry move up on foot and on bicycle.

Tank infantry cooperation is essential in modern combat.

Friday, May 24, 2019

E-100 Tank, Berlin

A building on the outskirts of Berlin, late 1945.

After the massive storm and the failure of the Normandy invasion, the Germans were able to concentrate on the Russian front.

Here the Germans are deploying their latest weapons.

The super heavy E-100 tank.

Deployed at the edge of the city where the long range gun will be most effective.

A second E-100 moves to support the infantry.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Combat Batmobile

This Batmobile has a cannon on top.

Hot Wheels makes two versions of this, a big one that I use with my Starship Troopers and this much smaller one I use with my Batman.

It's a good looking design and does not suffer from being downsized.

Makes a good compact combat vehicle.

They did not waste much design effort on the rear.

Batman and Batmobile.

Luxury and combat!

Welcome readers from Japan!